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The Payments Innovators


A US-based finance company decided to ditch their previous solution and connect to their payment application using NuWave middleware. By switching out their integration software, this innovative HPE NonStop customer saved approximately $300,000 in five years, and the savings continue to grow each year.

The customer runs a custom payments solution on their NonStop servers, providing 24/7 POS transaction processing for their customers and merchants. By using NuWave SOAPam® Server, those POS transactions can now be accessed using modern Web services. The customer also uses a bridge process between SOAPam® Server and the payment solution, which handles the XML parsing.

To accommodate XML parsing, SOAPam® Server was updated to allow for the extraction of an XML body from a SOAP envelope and the transmission of the XML message to the bridge process via NuWave libxml2 parser.

This solution allows for much simpler access to the customer’s payment systems, giving their merchants the ability to choose between a wider range of POS terminals, and to offer additional services to their end customers. SOAPam® Server can also be used with the customer’s other NonStop-based applications, allowing those applications to be easily accessed too.

Another finance customer has begun accessing BASE24 without the bridge process in the middle--another great innovation! They are using LightWave ServerTM for a REST interface, and they are connecting directly to BASE24's XPNET. To learn more about this innovator's story, read the "Modernizing BASE24 with Middleware" article in the July/August issue of The Connection.

How are you interfacing to your payment application? Leave your comments below.


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